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The VIII International Theater Festival of Small Forms IMPULSE will be held at the Bishkek City Drama Theater named after A. Umuraliev on September 25-28, Elena Myagkova says with reference to artistic director of the BCDT Aigul Umuralieva. The festival will be attended by figures of dramatic arts from around the world. The festival’s program includes drama play “Esimde” based on the story “Mother’s Field” by Chyngyz Aitmatov (Bishkek City Drama Theater named after A. Umuraliev, Kyrgyzstan), solo performance based on the novel by F. Dostoevsky, mystery based on the play “Agnes, Will’s Wife” by Nina Mazur (Georgia), “Eki Zhashoo” – “Two Lives” (Teatro del Isola, Italy).

Source: Central Asian News Service

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