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Kyrgyzstan will host the VIII International IMPULSE Small Forms Theater Festival on September 25-28. The Bishkek City Drama Theater named after Arsen Umuraliyev reported.

Drama artists from different countries will take part in the event.

The festival will be opened with the drama play «Esimde» based on Chingiz Aitmatov’s story «Mother’s Field» (Arsen Umuraliyev Bishkek City Drama Theatre, Kyrgyzstan).

The audience will also see a one-man performance based on Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel «Netochka» (Chamber Drama Theater, Vologda, Russia), a mystery based on Nina Mazur’s play «Agnes, Will’s Wife» (Tbilisi State Academic Russian Drama Theater named after Griboyedov, Georgia), «Eki Zhashoo» — «Two Lives» (Teatro del Isola, Italy).

Source: News Agency

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