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Schools 2030 Global Forum will be held in Kyrgyzstan in 2024. Press service of the Ministry of Education and Science reported.

According to it, the Minister of Education and Science Kanybek Imanaliev and Deputy Minister Toktobubu Ashymbaeva participate in Schools2030 Forum, which is taking place in Porto (Portugal).

Toktobubu Ashymbaeva took part in a panel discussion on the topic «How can we promote more inclusive, fair and pluralistic learning in the school system?»

The Deputy Minister told that the government of Kyrgyzstan has prioritized the creation of inclusive policies and legislation, development of infrastructure and resources, training of teachers, raising awareness and changing public attitude.

According to her, 1.5 million children were enrolled in schools in 2022, and 2.4 percent of them were with disabilities. The position of a teacher assistant has been introduced in 56 schools of the country, and an individual learning plan for children with educational needs is being implemented.

At the forum, Kanybek Imanaliev also received the baton of holding Schools2030 Global Forum in 2024 from the Minister of Education of the Portuguese Republic Joao Costa.

«The goal of the Aga Khan Foundation’s Schools2030 Programme is to study the field of education and find solutions to improve the quality of education in 1,000 educational institutions in 10 countries,» the ministry added.

Source: News Agency

By kadmin