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From October 1, partner banks Bakai Bank OJSC, Aiyl Bank OJSC and RSK Bank OJSC temporarily suspend accepting applications under the My Home 2021-2026 program in the direction of Preferential Mortgage (public sector employees).

As reported on the website of the State Mortgage Company, this is due to the huge demand for mortgage loans in this area; at the moment, partner banks of OJSC GIK have collected applications for a loan within the established funds limits (funds are limited).

The resumption of accepting applications in the direction of “Preferential mortgage” (public sector employees) will begin as a result of consideration of current applications in partner banks.

The date and time of renewal will be indicated on the website of JSC GIK, we ask everyone to follow the news feed.

It is noted that the acceptance of applications in the direction of “Affordable mortgage” (all categories of citizens) is carried out within the established limits.

“All participants of the program” My Home 2021-2026 “approved in the electronic portal in this area, including participants who were approved under the previous program” Affordable Housing 2015-2020 “can apply to the branches of Aiyl Bank OJSC, RSK OJSC Bank “and OJSC” Bakai Bank “”, – the message says.

Source: Kyrgyz National News Agency

By kadmin