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The State Statistics Committee has published the results of a study on the income and expenses of Azerbaijani households for 2022, according to which the growth rate of household incomes lagged behind annual inflation by 4.9%.

Last year, the average monthly income of family households amounted to 327.63 manats ($192.7) per capita, which is up by 9% from 2021. In the country’s cities, household incomes averaged 339.98 manats (+9.3%) per year, in rural areas – 312.73 manats (+8.3%) per capita.

According to the State Statistics Committee, the income gap between the economic regions of the country is small. In 2022, family households in Baku had incomes of 346.8 manats per capita a month, in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic – 342.2 manats, Absheron-Khyzy economic region – 341.8 manats, Upper Shirvan – 303.3 manats, etc.

At that, families residing in the economic regions Mil-Mugan (287.8 manats) and Guba-Khachmas have the least income (294.3 manats).

Source: Turan News Agency

By kadmin