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Many mosques in Talas do not comply with sanitary and fire safety requirements. The press center of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) reported.

As part of the implementation of the concept of state policy in the religious sphere, the SCNS initiated inspections of religious institutions together with representatives of the presidential envoy in the region, the Interior Ministry, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Cadastre Department, Department of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and the regional kaziyat, it said.

At least 172 out of 192 mosques and namazkanas do not comply with fire safety rules. Sanitary and hygienic norms are violated in 107 religious facilities. Five mosques have no registration.

About 29 religious institutions out of 192 have not been registered with the State Commission for Religious Affairs.

Based on the results of the inspection, district administrations, local government bodies, imams of mosques were given instructions to eliminate the detected shortcomings.

An inspection will be organized in the near future at the republican level and mosques that do not meet the standards will be closed in order to prevent negative consequences associated with the possible emergence and spread of contagious diseases.

Source: News Agency