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Vice mayor of Bishkek in charge of housing and communal services Jyrgalbek Shamyraliev commented in an interview with AKIpress about the reason for the current difficult situation with garbage collection in the city.

He said one of the main reasons of the problem is outdated equipment, lack of container sites, and containers for the collection of solid waste.

He also pointed to the debts of the Tazalyk municipal cleaning enterprise stocking up since 2007. Over the 10 years the volume of work of Tazalyk has increased significantly. Since 2012, when there were 19 units of special equipment, the number of machinery has increased several times by now, he said.

Buying new special equipment is planned ahead, as the volume of work performed by the enterprise increases every year.

The mayor’s office of Bishkek initiated purchase of special equipment, 7 units have already arrived and 10 more garbage trucks are soon to arrive, he said.

“In addition, we expect other types of special equipment such as dump trucks. We’re working on purchase of water-washing equipment as well. Just one Tazalyk company will be equipped with 27 units of special equipment this year,” he said.

As for the garbage removal, he said that the garbage is cleaned depending on the load everyday either 2 times or 1 time on different spots.

Source: Central Asian News Services