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A Coordination meeting of the chief narcologists of the states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) was held in Minsk. The organization’s website reported.

During the meeting, participants discussed current trends in the development of the drug situation in the CSTO area of responsibility and its individual states, ways to solve the problem of illegal drug consumption;

Exchanged statistical information regarding drug-related morbidity and mortality;

Discussed government measures to protect children in dysfunctional families (in cases where the dysfunction is associated with drug use).

Participants were told about the preparation of the CSTO model law «On the prevention of non-medical drug consumption.»

They came to the conclusion that all CSTO states comply with the provisions of international and national legislation on the provision of medical care, social support, employment opportunities and social reintegration of persons with drug addiction disorders who have violated the law.

Source: News Agency