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Member of the European Parliament (EP) Javier Nart met Monday with Chairman of the Board of the Western Azerbaijan Community, Member of Azerbaijan’s Milli Majlis Aziz Alakbarli, as well as the Community’s Spokesperson Ulviyya Zulfikar.

During the meeting, the member of the European Parliament was informed about the massacres and deportations suffered by the Western Azerbaijanis over the past 200 years, as well as Azerbaijan’s destructed material and cultural heritage. Aziz Alakbarli noted that prejudice and discrimination against Azerbaijan in the European Parliament have a negative impact on the stability in the region.

Javier Nart described the sufferings of the Western Azerbaijanis as a historical tragedy, saying that he will deliver all the truth about the Western Azerbaijanis to his European counterparts.

The member of the European Parliament was also presented with Western Azerbaijan Community’s Concept of Return published in multiple languages.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency