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Representatives of Media Policy Institute commented on the initiative of the Bishkek prosecutor’s office to file a lawsuit to liquidate Kloop Media Public Foundation.

Media Policy Institute considers the claim to be unfounded.

«The statement of claim of the Bishkek prosecutor’s office contains only an opinion about the allegedly negative impact of the materials, which cannot be considered as a legal justification and in no way can serve as a basis for making a legal and fair decision to terminate the activities of a legal entity,» they noted.

On August 26, the head of state sharply criticized one of the articles posted on website, saying that such publications «bring only harm and no benefit to the Kyrgyzstanis.»

It was reported on August 28 that Bishkek prosecutor Emilbek Abdymanapov filed a lawsuit in court to liquidate Kloop.Media public foundation.

The lawsuit, in particular, states that «most of the publications are of a negative nature, aimed at discrediting representatives of state and municipal bodies», «Kloop.Media publications contain hidden manipulations of the opinion of the society, which are imposed negative processes that do not correspond to reality, and create opposition to any undertakings of the current government».

The prosecutor cites several headlines and materials from, which, according to the oversight body, are sharply critical of the government.

The prosecutor’s office also accuses the public foundation of concealing a large amount of funds.

Source: News Agency