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Azerbaijan`s Minister of Defense, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov has received a delegation of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, led by Major General Mohammad Ahadi visiting Azerbaijan to participate in the meeting of the Azerbaijan-Iran Joint Commission, the Ministry of Defense told AZERTAC. First, the Iranian delegation visited the Alley of Martyrs and paid tribute to the memory of the heroes of the Motherland, who sacrificed their lives for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, as well as laid a wreath at the Eternal Flame monument. At the meeting held at the Ministry of Defense, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov welcomed the guests and spoke about the reconstruction works carried out in the liberated territories under the leadership of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev, as well as the operational situation on the Azerbaijani-Armenian conditional border and in the Karabakh economic region. The Minister of Defense emphasized that recently, the number of provocations committed by the Armenian armed forces units and the illegal Armenian armed detachments in the territory of Azerbaijan, where the Russian peacekeeping forces are temporarily stationed, has increased, and these provocations have been immediately and resolutely suppressed by the Azerbaijan Army units. Expressing gratitude for the hospitality, Major General Mohammad Ahadi conveyed the greetings of Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Lieutenant General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri. He noted that Azerbaijani-Iranian relations are based on ancient historical roots, as well as highlighted the importance of mutual visits in terms of expanding friendly and neighborly relations. Praising the reconstruction work carried out by Azerbaijan in the liberated territories, the Iranian delegation expressed concern about Armenia’s activities that could pose a threat to stability and security in the region. During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on the prospects for the development of cooperation between the countries in the military sphere, regional security issues, as well as on other issues of interest. Colonel General Zakir Hasanov also wished the members of the Azerbaijan-Iran Joint Commission success in their activities, expressed hope that such meetings will make a positive contribution to the bilateral military cooperation, and asked to convey his greetings to the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Source: AZERTAC, Azerbaijan State News Agency